Our Golden SEAL
We, the brothers of Sigma Alpha Phi Fraternity Incorporated, actively complete community service as an organizational model of leadership in hopes to inspire others to also work together, to create social change, and to unite ourselves to service those that are most in need of our support. Whether we are providing community service individually, with each other, or collaborating with other Organizations, we push to stay active with service. |
The educational vision of the brothers of Sigma Alpha Phi Fraternity Incorporated is to empower it's community of learners to apply their acquired skills and knowledge in order to better the communities in which they live. We push others to rely upon their personal attributes to lead productive lives and to become contributing members of their community. |
Advocacy: Sigma Alpha Phi Fraternity Incorporated empowers, encourages, and equips low-income families to obtain housing, employment, education, career development, and essential life skills; with the goal of ultimately becoming self-sufficient; In hopes that the assistance, knowledge and information they've gained will be passed on to someone else who is in need. |
The Brothers of Sigma Alpha Phi Fraternity Incorporated understand that leadership is ones ability to elicit the courage it takes to implement change. This means you must cultivate leadership within yourself before you can inspire and develop that same courage in others. Part of this courage is having confidence and the ability to know exactly what you want and how to reach your goals. Once you understand this fully, then you can teach it to others. |